Trevor travels around the world playing piano and singing in various bars, restaurants and hotels These are his musings from his often interesting, amusing or mundane lifestyle...

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Where Now?

After talking to my mother last week, I realised that I have been really slack at letting people know where I am going next.

I finish here in Dresden on 31st December. Things are then a little vague right now until 6th January when I will be in the UK (Oxfordshire I think) for my friends' Fiona and Pete's wedding (don't worry guys, the vagueness is just that i am investigating where to fly from - Berlin or Prague - I think I will spend the couple of days between finishing in Dresden and your wedding in one of these 2 places... probably Prague - the flights are basically the same price)

Then on the 7th Jan (or maybe the 8th, my flights are yet to be confirmed) I will be joining the Carnival Valor in Miami, Florida, USA to sail the Carribean until 19th March (it's a tough life, but someone has to do it!).

On 19th March, I am flying home to Melbourne and then on to Perth for Anita and Mike's wedding on the 26th. Back to Melbourne. Back to Perth for Mum and Dad's Golden Wedding Anniversary on 22nd April (though the celebration will probably be on 25th due to an Eagle's home game on 22nd!). Probably hang out in perth for a while. Head back to Melbourne at some stage. Catch up with everyone as much as humanly possible.

Then back to Europe from June until December next year.

Looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible in that time!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Trevor it's Katie

What are you doing for Christmas? Hope it's something cool and German - you gotta have snow, sleighbells and furry coats at least, I think!

We haven't moved house yet, but will have by the time you get here, and there will be a spare room if you want to crash (it's not far from Subi Oval actually).

Your literary ramblings are so much more literary than mine - I could tell you all about the unauthorised Shane Warne biography, which is what I read last week!!



7:13 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you'll be in Melb in 1st week of April to see Ticket To Nowhere, Comedy Festival show from Sparklemotion, who Edward has just joined! Should be a good contrast to singing prof bass chorus in Oedipus REx for Vic Opera in Feb!! things seem to be really moving for him on the singing front. What sort of weather will you get on the cruise ship off Miami? From your blog, I have definitely put Dresden on Allan and my 'must visit' list for when we stop paying school fees - only 3 years to go!! You make it sound enchanting.

12:41 PM


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