Trevor travels around the world playing piano and singing in various bars, restaurants and hotels These are his musings from his often interesting, amusing or mundane lifestyle...

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Things I Learnt In Vienna
Being in the cold for those few days has revealed some amazing things about this world to me. I feel I need to share my revelations.
  1. The hooks on the back of toilet doors are not there just to facilitate a quick clothing change in between setting up a gig and then performing. They really are necessary to hang your coat.
  2. Overcoats need to have lots of pockets to put gloves, hat, scarf and any necessary maps or theatre tickets in. They are also much better with one of those little loops on the collar to hang it by. Mine has neither.
  3. Museums and Theatre tickets cost a lot more once you factor in the coat check. The audio guide is another necessary trap. A museum offering free coat check and audio guides is a very rare thing but it makes me very happy. Also, it’s not as easy to rush into the theatre 2 minutes before the performance starts when you have to factor in checking your coat.
  4. Snow is much easier to walk through than rain. There should be more of it. I suspect I’ll change that view when the novelty factor of walking through a snow storm in a beautiful city wears off.
  5. Designer ripped jeans aren’t nearly as cool when they show off the thermal leggings underneath.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

YOu could always ditch the ripped jeans and create a fashion statement by just wearing the might get arrested of course....your mother WOULD be impressed...not...

1:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I quote: "Snow is much easier to walk through than rain." Do you slip that often in rain as well (hee hee)?

7:06 AM


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