Trevor travels around the world playing piano and singing in various bars, restaurants and hotels These are his musings from his often interesting, amusing or mundane lifestyle...

Friday, November 03, 2006

Vienna Day 1 - but wait thereĀ“s more...

I did forget one dot point last night.

7. I ended up in a piano bar of sorts after the opera. The difference being that the pianist was playing classical music and the people getting up to sing with her (seemingly spontaneously - like the old Karaoke night at Chadstone Howl) were singing classical music - arias and choral pieces...

Will wait for Day 2 to be over to write about it, but i will give you this little teaser... I have now seen (apparently) one of the nails that held Jesus to the cross, and a part of his loincloth...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now this is MY sort of Karaoke venue - singing classical stuff at a decent hear-yourself-think volume, unlike your well-executed Howl crap at a million decibels, Trev!!! Did you get up and sing an aria? Did you? If not, why not??? Are you broke yet with all this shopping for suits and CDs you keep doing? Young Christian and I have both been doing rather well in vocal eistedfods lately! He is now with MLJ and I am now with Joan Arnold!

1:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I have to make separate comments, do I? Well, it's the least I can do, and comment I will ... Your classical karaoke sounds much like Vitello's, my local haunt where the has-been television actor Robert Blake "didn't" murder his wife a few years back. I can't wait to set you loose on the Vitello's crowd someday ... they'll go wild!

6:54 AM


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