Trevor travels around the world playing piano and singing in various bars, restaurants and hotels These are his musings from his often interesting, amusing or mundane lifestyle...

Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Milk-o-Mat


I have ridden past this little building every day since arriving here in Laengenfeld and have been so intrigued by it. A machine that gives 24 hour milk! How cool is that? And it is so cute. I've never seen anyone actually using it, which is a slight cause for concern, but I have been gathering the courage to use it for weeks now. I'm really not sure why it took so much courage, it really does look so inviting inside...

inside the milkomat

Finally, on my way home from work the night before last, I gathered up the courage to use the Milk-o-Mat (my name for it). 10c bought me a very delicious cup of fresh, cold milk! And it was so easy to use. I think it might also be my first time tasting milk that is basically direct from the cow (though I am assuming it's been through all those make-it-safe-to-drink processes first).

So today, since I didn't die from drinking a cup of milk the other night, I decided to go the whole hog and wandered down to the Milk-o-Mat (a 2 minute walk from my apartment - how handy!) wielding 80c and a sawn-off soft drink bottle (the only receptacle in the apartment that could hold a litre of milk).

metal cow

So happy with my fresh milk - how convenient life in the alps is!

fresh milk!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wish i had a milk-o-matic! awesome!!!!!!

2:15 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does the milk machine dispense Kahlua too? Then you would really think you were living in a fairytale......

3:48 PM


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